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Effective July 2019 - Pursuant to Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 84-947

An individual who has a criminal conviction may, prior to filing a real estate license application, submit this Preliminary Application for Individuals with Criminal Convictions form to be presented to the Commission for a determination as to whether the individual's criminal conviction would disqualify the individual from obtaining a real estate license. Upon receipt of the completed Preliminary Application form, other requested information, and the $100.00 fee, the Commission will schedule a time for the individual to appear before the Commission for a Preliminary Application Informal Special Appearance.  During the Preliminary Application Informal Special Appearance, the Commission shall make a determination of whether the individual’s criminal conviction would disqualify the individual from obtaining a real estate license or sitting for the examination.  Once the determination has been made by the Commission, a letter will be sent to you regarding their determination. 

This Preliminary Application Informal Special Appearance is being conducted based on criminal conviction information provided by the individual.  If the Commission finds that the individual has been convicted of subsequent criminal convictions or prior crimes not reported, the Commission may rescind the determination. 


Preliminary Application for Individuals with Criminal Convictions

    Should you have any questions regarding this process or are interested in in finding out more about the procedures, please contact the Director, Joseph D. Gehrki at 402-471-2004 or