NEBRASKA REAL ESTATE COMMISSION November 15, 2001 Cornhusker Hotel Yankee Hill Room Lincoln, NE Opening Acting Chairperson Nigro convened a Meeting of the Nebraska Real Estate Commission at 9:04 a.m. on November 15, 2001, in the Yankee Hill Room of the Cornhusker Hotel, located at 333 South 13th Street in Lincoln, Nebraska. All of the members of the Real Estate Commission were present with the exception of Chairperson Gale, who was absent and excused. Acting Chairperson Nigro noted that the Commission consisted of six members for this Meeting, because there was one vacancy to be filled, and a quorum was present. Also present were Director Les Tyrrell, Deputy Director for Education Teresa Hoffman, Deputy Director for Enforcement Terry Mayrose, and Administrative Assistant Heidi Burklund. Abbie Widger, Special Assistant Attorney General and Counsel to the Commission, was present for the rule and regulation, legislative, and policy items. Notice of Meeting (Adopt Agenda) Director Tyrrell presented a Public Notice and Proofs of Publication thereof relating to this Meeting, all of which are attached to and made a part of these Minutes. Acting Chairperson Nigro reported that all Commissioners had been notified of the Meeting simultaneously, in writing, and that a proposed Tentative Agenda accompanied the notification. Acting Chairperson Nigro pointed out to those in attendance that a APublic Copy@ of the materials being used during the Meeting was available to the public on the Counsel table in the Meeting Room, and that the procedures followed were in accordance with the Open Meetings Law. Acting Chairperson Nigro asked that guests sign the guest list.Director Tyrrell noted that no items had been added since the Tentative Agenda was mailed to the Commissioners. There were two emergency Informal Special Appearances for the Commission to consider adding to the Agenda. A motion was made by Moline and seconded by Wiebusch to add the two emergency Informal Special Appearances to the Agenda. Motion carried with Johnson, Moline, Shepard, Wiebusch, and Nigro voting aye, and with Gale not participating or voting, being absent and excused. After review of the Final Agenda, a motion was made by Johnson and seconded by Wiebusch to adopt the Final Agenda as amended. Motion carried with Johnson, Moline, Shepard, Wiebusch, and Nigro voting aye, and with Gale not participating or voting, being absent and excused. Director Tyrrell introduced Christy Arfman, the new Transfer and Licensing Secretary. Minutes of September 26-27, 2001 The Minutes of the Commission Meeting held on September 26-27, 2001, were considered. After review, a motion was made by Johnson and seconded by Wiebusch to approve the Minutes as presented. Motion carried with Johnson, Moline, Shepard, Wiebusch, and Nigro voting aye, and with Gale not participating or voting, being absent and excused. Receipts and Expenditures Report for September and October Director Tyrrell presented the Receipts and Expenditures Reports for September and October 2001. Copies of said Reports are attached to and made a part of these Minutes. With regard to the September Report, Director Tyrrell noted the following: there was nothing unusual to report in Receipts. Actual current month and year-to-date receipts were over the budgeted amount. Expenditure Category 4211, Postage Expense, was over the monthly budgeted amount for Commission Comment postage, but was still under budget for the year; Category 4212, Communication Expense, showed zero expenditure because the bill was not posted in time; Category 4215, Publication and Printing, was over the monthly budgeted amount for the Commission Comment, but was still under budget for the year; Category 4251, Rent-Office Equipment, should have been charged $21 for the credit card swipe machine in the office, and will be credited; Category 4414, Education Services, was over the monthly budgeted amount, but was still under budget for the year, because there were a lot of candidates during August; and Category 4451, Legal Services Expense, was over the monthly budgeted amount due to rule and regulation changes and several time share registrations. The Cash Fund Balance as of September 30, 2001, was $376,922.97, which compared to a Cash Fund Balance of $325,410.96 on September 30, 2000. With regard to the October Report, Director Tyrrell noted the following: Receipts Category 7532, Examination Fees, was not divisible by $115.00 because there were applications still on file which only included $111.00, and the total included the additional $4.00 paid by those candidates. In Expenditure Category 4144, Employee Assistance Program, the Commission received a refund because we have only 11 employees, not 12 as budgeted; Category 4211, Postage Expense, was a little over the monthly budgeted amount due to mailing renewals. The Cash Fund Balance as of October 31, 2001, was $426,443.13, which compared to a Cash Fund Balance of $379,961.14 on October 31, 2000. After discussion, a motion was made by Moline and seconded by Wiebusch to file the September and October Receipts and Expenditures Reports for audit. Motion carried with Johnson, Moline, Shepard, Wiebusch, and Nigro voting aye, and with Gale not participating or voting, being absent and excused. Renewal Report Director Tyrrell reported that renewals were being received at about the same pace as last year, and that this report included money deposited as of 11-14-01, not all the money received as of that date. Everybody was busy in the office. Based on the way things were working with staff and the new computer system, but especially due to the very fine staff work, we have been keeping up with renewals. Director Tyrrell anticipated having a contract person start Monday and work through approximately Dec. 14, to ensure that staff did not get bogged down when the other half of renewals arrived on Nov. 30. Commissioner Wiebusch asked if quite a few renewals were done on the website. Director Tyrrell said that during September, 3 salespeople renewed on the website; during October, 2 brokers and 3 salespeople renewed on the website; and professional corporations seemed most inclined to use the website. Credit cards made up approximately 13-14% of receipts. Commissioner Moline asked if it was possible to do something nice for staff under the state system, like take them out for a nice lunch or something, considering their extra efforts. Director Tyrrell said he could not take the money out of state funds. No action was necessary on this Report. Specialized Registrations There were no Specialized Registrations to report. Non-Resident Licenses and Resident Licenses Issued to Persons Holding Licenses in Other States This Report, a copy of which is attached to and made a part of these Minutes, was presented by Deputy Director Hoffman and reported to be in order. Deputy Director Hoffman noted that there were no out-of-state people moving to Nebraska on this Report. After review, a motion was made by Moline and seconded by Wiebusch to ratify issuance of the licenses as set forth in the Report. Motion carried with Johnson, Moline, Shepard, Wiebusch, and Nigro voting aye, and with Gale not participating or voting, being absent and excused. Examination Reports for September and October Deputy Director Hoffman presented Reports relating to the real estate examinations administered during September and October 2001. Copies of said Reports are attached to and made a part of these Minutes. After review, a motion was made by Moline and seconded by Shepard to ratify the September and October Reports for the purpose of issuing licenses. Motion carried with Johnson, Moline, Shepard, Wiebusch, and Nigro voting aye, and with Gale not participating or voting, being absent and excused. Deputy Director Hoffman noted that there had been one examination administration problem this month. An applicant showed up to take the examination in North Platte, and no one was there. The regular on-site person had failed to check the schedule, and the new back-up person lacked knowledge in operating the computer system. AMP scrambled to accommodate the applicant, who finally sat for the examination 1 2 hours late. The applicant notified Deputy Director Hoffman of the problem, not AMP, which caused Deputy Director Hoffman some concern. The applicant will be allowed to retake the examination without charge, and will not have the initial examination on the record. The applicant also received a letter of apology from the president of AMP. Deputy Director Hoffman noted that the North Platte site did not have a lot of traffic, so there was less experience there, but the situation was not acceptable. As a result of her discussions with AMP, Deputy Director Hoffman had received a report on how facilities are evaluated by applicants. Deputy Director Hoffman distributed a Facility Questionnaire Summary, a copy of which is attached to and made a part of these Minutes. Deputy Director Hoffman emphasized that, in AMP, the Commission had a professional partner in examination administration.Commissioner Moline noted that good evaluations were received by the Scottsbluff site, and asked if their backups were trained. Deputy Director Hoffman noted that the Scottsbluff site was in a library on campus, and that each site had a main supervisor and a backup supervisor. Lori Tinkler and another AMP person recently toured all Nebraska facilities. Acting Chairperson Nigro said she was glad to hear the applicant would receive a free retake. Deputy Director Hoffman agreed, because it was not a fair administration of the examination, and was not handled professionally. Deputy Director Hoffman said she felt the situation had been remedied. AMP Advisory Committee Meeting Report Deputy Director Hoffman reported on the AMP Advisory Committee Meeting, which was held in Kansas City, KS, on October 23, 2001. Deputy Director Hoffman reported that there were representatives from several other states nationwide. Attendees received a progress report, and the majority of the meeting was on continuing education alternatives. AMP is currently working with Georgia on a simulation exercise which tests data-gathering and decision-making skills, and simulates the consequences of licensee decisions. The exercise tests on several levels. The current focus is on ethics, agency, and trust account management, but will expand, and eventually may be added to Georgia =s licensing examination. Georgia plans to put the exercise on their website, allow licensees to take portions of the examination to test its performance and get them acclimated to it, and give continuing education credit for testing the examination.Real Estate Education Matters Prelicense Education Instructor Approval Deputy Director Hoffman presented for ratification the Prelicense Education Instructor Approval Report, which listed approvals for four continuing education instructors. A copy of said Report is attached to and made a part of these Minutes. After discussion, a motion was made by Wiebusch and seconded by Johnson to ratify the Report. Motion carried with Johnson, Shepard, Wiebusch, and Nigro voting aye, with Moline abstaining, and with Gale not participating or voting, being absent and excused. Continuing Education Activity Approval Deputy Director Hoffman presented for ratification the Continuing Education Activity Approval Report, which listed approvals for eight continuing education activities. A copy of said Report is attached to and made a part of these Minutes. Deputy Director Hoffman noted that the activity originally named AContracts 101: How to Write Effective Real Estate Contracts@ was renamed by provider Mark Dickhute, who was gratified that the Commission was concerned about licensees practicing law without a license. Deputy Director Hoffman also noted that one provider sought Nebraska approval only because other states considered Nebraska approval to be an indicator of quality, not to offer the activity in Nebraska. Commissioner Johnson thanked Deputy Director Hoffman for her assistance in approving the Family Housing activity being offered today for free by Fannie Mae, and said it should be a great course. Deputy Director Hoffman agreed that the activity was beautifully crafted, and said the original problem with deadlines was straightened out.After discussion, a motion was made by Johnson and seconded by Moline to ratify the Report. Motion carried with Johnson, Moline, Shepard, Wiebusch, and Nigro voting aye, and with Gale not participating or voting, being absent and excused. Continuing Education Instructor Approval Deputy Director Hoffman presented for ratification the Continuing Education Instructor Approval Report, which listed approvals for fourteen continuing education instructors. A copy of said Report is attached to and made a part of these Minutes. After discussion, a motion was made by Moline and seconded by Wiebusch to ratify the Report. Motion carried with Johnson, Moline, Shepard, Wiebusch, and Nigro voting aye, and with Gale not participating or voting, being absent and excused. Continuing Education Activity Significant Change Deputy Director Hoffman presented for ratification the Continuing Education Activity Significant Change Report, which listed approval for one continuing education activity significant change. A copy of said Report is attached to and made a part of these Minutes. After discussion, a motion was made by Moline and seconded by Johnson to ratify the Report. Motion carried with Johnson, Moline, Shepard, Wiebusch, and Nigro voting aye, and with Gale not participating or voting, being absent and excused. Pending Sworn Complaints and Investigative Matters Director Tyrrell presented a Summary Report of the pending complaints, which included a list of licensees presently under disciplinary action or on appeal. A copy of said Report is attached to and made a part of these Minutes. Director Tyrrell noted that there may be a couple of show-cause hearings if licensees currently under disciplinary action failed to turn in the additional continuing education required by their Stipulation and Consent Orders. No action was necessary on this Report. The following Sworn Complaints and Investigative Matters were presented to the Commission:
Presentation of Stipulation and Consent Orders November 15, 10:00 a.m. - Complaint #2001-003, Deputy Director Mayrose presented a Stipulation and Consent Order in the matter of Complaint #2001-003, Howard D. Vann vs Raymond Carrol Trimble. A copy of said Order is attached to and made a part of these Minutes. Acting Chairperson Nigro noted that she shared office space with Mr. Trimble years ago, but felt she could make a fair decision. She wanted her association with Mr. Trimble noted for the record. Deputy Director Mayrose reviewed the circumstances involved and noted the provisions of the Order, which had been signed by Mr. Trimble. The Order specified a censure plus three hours of additional continuing education in contracts, to be completed within three months. After discussion, a motion was made by Moline and seconded by Wiebusch to enter into the Order as presented. Motion carried with Johnson, Moline, Shepard, Wiebusch, and Nigro voting aye, and with Gale not participating or voting, being absent and excused. Hearings November 15, 9:30 a.m. - Complaint #2001-003, The Hearing regarding Complaint #2001-003, Howard D. Vann vs Raymond Carrol Trimble, was continued pending presentation of a Stipulation and Consent Order. Informal Special Appearances November 15, 9:00 a.m. - Overcoming Presumption to Supervise - Director Tyrrell presented an Exhibit which included a Survey to Address the Presumption to Supervise, and a letter from Mr. Reynolds= employer. A copy of said Exhibit is attached to and made a part of these Minutes. Morris R. Reynolds, broker for Business Brokers Corporation of Lincoln, and Jim Glenn, salesperson and new owner of Business Brokers Corporation of Lincoln, were present. Mr. Reynolds said that he had been offered a salaried position with Re/Max Central, which was not a real estate brokerage business. Mr. Glenn, currently a salesperson, planned to get his broker=s license soon and become the employing broker for the business, which he recently purchased. During the past 17 months, only 3 sales involved real estate, and only two of those were in Nebraska. The business did very few real estate transactions, and all closings were handled by a title company. There were only two full-time licensees, one of which was Mr. Glenn, the new owner. There were also two part-time salespeople, but both had other full-time jobs and did not do much real estate business. Mr. Reynolds referred to his new employer=s letter, which said he would be allowed time to supervise the business. Mr. Reynolds also said it would only be for a short time, maybe 180 days, to allow Mr. Glenn to get his broker=s license. Commissioner Wiebusch asked if the Commission could put a deadline on permission to supervise. Director Tyrrell noted that the date of March 31, 2002, was mentioned in discussions. Acting Chairperson Nigro asked if 180 days seemed feasible. Deputy Director Hoffman said that was quite possible. Commissioner Moline asked if Mr. Reynolds held other real estate licenses. Mr. Reynolds said he was licensed in Nebraska, Kansas, and Iowa. Commissioner Moline asked if he had other listings in the other states. Mr. Reynolds said the listings were not for real estate. Commissioner Moline asked if the part-time people were warehousing their licenses. Mr. Reynolds said that, due to their other jobs, they could spend very little time in the real estate business, but both were planning to keep their licenses with Mr. Glenn. Mr. Glenn said he had been licensed since April. The other full-time person in the office had been licensed for 17 years. Commissioner Moline asked if Mr. Glenn was taking additional education to obtain his broker=s license. Mr. Glenn said he was taking classes at Southeast Community College, and would test as soon as possible. Acting Chairperson Nigro asked if there was a requirement for a certain time in the real estate business prior to obtaining a broker=s license. Deputy Director Hoffman said that applicants had two options - one was two years= full-time experience and two additional courses, and the other was to take four additional courses. Mr. Glenn said he had completed 3 of the 6 total courses needed. Commissioner Moline asked if Mr. Reynolds= new job involved traveling, or if he would work locally. Mr. Reynolds said his job was mostly local, but he could be out of town for 1 or 2 days a week. His office was located at 56th Street and Highway 2 in Lincoln. Mr. Reynolds reiterated that his employer had agreed to free up his time to allow supervision as necessary. Acting Chairperson Nigro asked about the other aspect of Mr. Reynolds= business. Mr. Reynolds said that, in business sales, 90% are only the business itself, with no real estate involved. Commissioner Johnson said that Mr. Glenn was cutting it pretty close, trying to complete his education and pass the examination by March 31. Director Tyrrell noted that the Commission could give permission until the end of April, or whenever they chose. Commissioner Moline noted that the Commission had done this before, but that the other person had a couple of years of experience, and he was concerned that Mr. Glenn had just been licensed since April 2001. Commissioner Moline asked if the other salesperson in the office had more experience. Mr. Glenn said yes, 17 years of experience. Mr. Glenn noted that he was new to real estate, but was accustomed to dealing with small businesses. Mr. Glenn said he understood the importance of following the rules, and hoped his business experience outside of real estate had bearing. Mr. Reynolds noted that, in business sales, Mr. Glenn would be working with small businesses. After discussion, a motion was made by Johnson and seconded by Wiebusch to allow Mr. Reynolds to continue as the employing broker for Business Brokers Corporation of Lincoln on a temporary basis, until the end of April 2002. Motion carried with Johnson, Moline, Shepard, Wiebusch, and Nigro voting aye, and with Gale not participating or voting, being absent and excused. November 15, 9:15 a.m. - Richard E. Kavan, Director Tyrrell presented an Exhibit which included a salesperson application for Richard E. Kavan. A copy of said Exhibit is attached to and made a part of these Minutes. Mr. Kavan was present. Director Tyrrell reviewed the application, and noted that it was being presented to the Commission due to the number of judgments against Mr. Kavan. Mr. Kavan said he was in the homebuilding business for 30 years, and that the economic conditions in the last year caused the business to close. He had a few unsold properties, and the lag time in selling them caused judgments against him for the materials used in constructing homes. He was unable to pay the bills until the homes were sold. He was interested in moving forward with his life, and had talked to an Omaha broker regarding employment. He was ready to take the examination next week if the Commission approved his application. Commissioner Moline asked if any of the judgments were for bad personal debts. Mr. Kavan said no, that he was in business for 30 years, and it was not his intention to ever go out of business. Mr. Kavan said he had most of his personal assets in the business. Acting Chairperson Nigro asked if there were liens against the property. Mr. Kavan said he was trying to combine the debts and get the properties cleaned up and sold. Mr. Kavan said he did not imagine he could pay all the bills, but said he could satisfy a lot of the debt when the properties sold. Commissioner Wiebusch asked how many homes were involved. Mr. Kavan said three. Commissioner Moline asked if the homes already sold to the public had free and clear title. Mr. Kavan said yes. Commissioner Shepard asked if the bankruptcy was personal or for the company. Mr. Kavan said it was personal. If he had done a business bankruptcy, the court would probably have just closed the doors. Mr. Kavan was trying to avoid that by moving the properties. Commissioner Wiebusch asked if the homes were currently on the market for sale. Mr. Kavan said yes. After discussion, a motion was made by Moline and seconded by Wiebusch to approve Mr. Kavan=s application to sit for the salesperson examination, and to have a license issued upon passing. Motion carried with Johnson, Moline, Shepard, Wiebusch, and Nigro voting aye, and with Gale not participating or voting, being absent and excused. Review Revisions to Title 299, Chapters 1, 2, 3, 5, & 7 Counsel Widger presented Exhibits which included proposed revisions to Title 299, and a letter from Craig Larabee regarding the continuing education revisions. Copies of said Exhibits are attached to and made a part of these Minutes. Al Avery and Fred Hoppe participated in the discussion as representatives of the Nebraska Realtors7 Association. Counsel Widger noted that the revisions adopted by the Commission at the September Meeting were shown in regular legislative style. The revisions proposed by the subcommittees and/or staff were shown in bold italics legislative style, and the related comments were in bold italics. Because of Commissioner Bell=s resignation, the items assigned to the Moline/Bell subcommittee were addressed by the Gale/Moline/Tyrrell subcommittee. Other items were assigned to the Gale/Tyrrell subcommittee or to staff. The related comments indicated which group was making the recommendation on each revision. Chapter 1 Counsel Widger noted that there were no new revisions to Chapter 1, and the revisions in the Exhibit were shown as approved by the Commission at its last meeting. Chapter 2 Counsel Widger noted that Chapter 2, Section 003, was addressed by the Gale/Moline/Tyrrell subcommittee. After extensive discussion, the subcommittee recommended not changing the current language. Commissioner Moline said he was not happy with the current language, but trying to write different language led to other, unacceptable ramifications. Commissioner Moline said that the Nebraska Realtors7 Association, staff, and the subcommittee were unable to develop acceptable language. He and the subcommittee recommended keeping the current language. Commissioner Moline said he would hate to put vague language in rule and regulation if different interpretations could be made. Commissioner Wiebusch said it seemed clear that licensees had to advertise in the name registered with the Commission. Commissioner Moline said that was partially taken away in .02 and .03, with the provisions for trade names. Commissioner Moline said the subcommittee decided that, if there was misleading advertising, the Commission could challenge it under a different rule. Director Tyrrell noted that misleading advertising could be addressed under 003, and under the statutory prohibition against misleading advertising, as had been done in the past. Mr. Hoppe asked if Fred=s Finance Company would have to advertise that way if that was registered with the Commission, even if it was misleading regarding being in the real estate business. Commissioner Moline said yes, and the concern would be if the intention was to seem like something other than what you were. Mr. Hoppe agreed. Mr. Avery said the Nebraska Realtors7 Association would go along with leaving the language as is, and asked the Commission to continue to monitor and address misleading or devious practices under statute. Director Tyrrell said he would appreciate it if Nebraska Realtors7 Association members would send such advertising to the Commission office, since there were a number of newspapers across the state to which the Commission office did not subscribe. Director Tyrrell said he would also appreciate it if people submitting advertising would include their names, so he could tell them the results of the investigation. Commissioner Wiebusch asked if trade names were automatically registered unless they were identical to another business, and whether they were ever refused by the Secretary of State=s office. Director Tyrrell said maybe, if the businesses were in the same region. Counsel Widger noted that brand names could not be used as trade names. Mr. Hoppe asked if it could be different than that registered with the Commission. Director Tyrrell said no, the trade name had to be registered the same with the Secretary of State and the Commission. Commissioner Moline asked if the Commission needed to approve each change individually. Director Tyrrell said no, the Commission could approve the entire Exhibit for publication after discussion. Chapter 3 Counsel Widger noted that staff reworded the new section, 006.02, based on concerns raised during Commission discussion at the previous Meeting. Mr. Hoppe asserted that a customer was unrepresented by definition. Counsel Widger noted that a customer may be represented by someone else. Mr. Hoppe asserted that either a licensee was representing the party, or the party was a customer. Mr. Hoppe asked if it would be better to leave Aclosing agent@ out, and just use Athird party.@ Mr. Hoppe thought this would especially apply in new construction, where copies might be going to a third party other than a closing agent. Mr. Hoppe also proposed just putting Areceipt from the third party@ in the last line, rather than listing three options. Commissioner Moline clarified that Mr. Hoppe was proposing just saying Acopy of the receipt from the third party.@ Mr. Hoppe said yes. Commissioner Moline asked if staff agreed with the change deleting Aclosing agents,@ or if that could create a problem. Counsel Widger noted that it broadened the language to include any third party, instead of only third party closing agents. Commissioner Moline asked if that language would better serve. Counsel Widger said she did not know, because she was unfamiliar with new construction, but that it broadened to whom this rule applied. Mr. Hoppe maintained that if the money went somewhere other than another broker=s trust account, the Commission needed to decide if it wanted a rule, and what that rule should be. If the Commission wanted this rule, it should require something to show the two principals in the transaction that the money got where it was intended to go. Counsel Widger noted that a closing agent could be an attorney, or anyone closing the transaction. She reiterated that she did not know what happened in new construction. Director Tyrrell said that, as written, the language would not include a builder. Commissioner Moline said that would involve lots of transactions. Commissioner Wiebusch noted the money could go from the purchaser to the builder. Commissioner Moline said it could go to the builder or to the developer. Commissioner Moline asked if Mr. Hoppe=s proposal was to eliminate options 2 and 3 at the end of the paragraph. Mr. Hoppe said that 2 and 3 could go, because 1 sufficed. Counsel Widger agreed that the proposed language gave more options. Counsel Widger noted that she had received several calls already to put in more options for receipt, and agreed that it could just say receipt from the third party. Commissioner Moline asked if there was a legal term that defined acceptable evidence of delivery. Counsel Widger said no, it did not need to be defined. Commissioner Wiebusch asked if it should require both a copy of the receipt and evidence of delivery. Commissioner Johnson said that would be the same thing. Mr. Hoppe said the receipt should show it got there, and noted that the licensee was just the messenger. A motion was made by Moline and seconded by Johnson to strike Aclosing agent@ throughout the section, and to change the last sentence, deleting everything after Aand a copy of@ and adding Athe evidence of delivery of the earnest money to the third party@ at the end. Motion carried with Johnson, Moline, Shepard, Wiebusch, and Nigro voting aye, and with Gale not participating or voting, being absent and excused. Chapter 5 Counsel Widger noted that new section 003.26 was proposed by the Gale/Moline/Tyrrell subcommittee to prohibit all conspiracy regarding the terms of a transaction, based on the Commission=s discussion of 003.02. Counsel Widger noted that new section 003.27 was proposed by staff to prohibit a licensee from acting as a dual agent and a principal in a transaction, based on the Commission=s discussion of 003.08. Director Tyrrell commented that he recently spoke to a group of licensees, and gave them a brief overview of the proposed rule changes. Two people in the group indicated that they did not like this provision, did not see any reason why they could not do that, and had just done it with their own houses they recently sold. Director Tyrrell had told them he would relay their comments to the Commission. Commissioner Moline asked if they were licensees in Nebraska. Director Tyrrell said yes, and noted that he just relayed their opposition. Mr. Hoppe said the problem came up when people were agents for themselves. When he initially looked at the language, it did not click with him, but then he got that it was to prevent licensees from representing themselves and the other side. Counsel Widger noted that the language Aan agent and principal@ may not be appropriate, because licensees were not technically agents for themselves unless they completed listing agreements with themselves. Counsel Widger said that, in case law, licensees selling their own property were held to all the standards of a licensee, because they knew the ins and outs of real estate transactions. Counsel Widger proposed deleting Aan agent and@ from the sentence. Commissioner Moline asked if staff recommended removing Aan agent and,@ making it Aas a principal in a real estate transaction.@ Director Tyrrell said yes. Director Tyrrell noted that, if all changes were approved today, the earliest possible rule hearing would be at the January Meeting. If additional changes were made in December, the earliest rule hearing would be in February. Director Tyrrell noted that a legal notice had to be published, and the proposed changes had to be filed with the appropriate agencies. It made no difference to Director Tyrrell when the Commission decided to hold the rule hearing. Commissioner Moline said the Commission could make changes as needed, and could make more changes later if there were problems. Director Tyrrell agreed, and said the Commission could come back and do additional changes in March, if desired. Susan Geschwender, from Randall School, asked how the proposed 003.27 regulation would work in real life if licensees wished to purchase their own listings. Ms. Geschwender asked if a licensee would have to bring in another licensee to present the offer. Director Tyrrell said they might have to, under this rule. Ms. Geschwender said she was trying to understand how to tell people to do it right. Mr. Hoppe said the licensee would probably have to sever the relationship. Mr. Hoppe noted that it would be a bigger problem for a sole proprietor than a company, which could just bring in another affiliated licensee for the transaction. The problem was that the person would clearly be representing himself and purporting to represent the seller, and the two positions were vastly inconsistent. Ms. Geschwender noted that was why disclosure was required, but that this rule raised the bar. Director Tyrrell asked if the new rule would affect a licensee doing a for-sale-by-owner of their own property with a prospective buyer. Mr. Hoppe thought the licensee could treat the buyer as a customer. Mr. Hoppe said that Ms. Geschwender=s example was more problematical, since the licensee had the listing and wanted to buy the house. Director Tyrrell asked if it would affect guaranteed sales, and perhaps stop that practice. Commissioner Moline noted that relocation companies frequently bought houses. Commissioner Wiebusch said she knew of several transactions where an agent or a relocation company bought the house. Director Tyrrell asked if licensees could comply with agency disclosure when an actual transaction occurred, and noted that the proposed rule had ramifications. Commissioner Moline said the rule impeded practice, and noted that a licensee could not legally follow dual agency when the licensee knew both sides. Counsel Widger and Mr. Hoppe agreed. Counsel Widger noted the intent was to put licensees on notice they were violating the law. Commissioner Moline said somebody would have a lawsuit on it. Commissioner Wiebusch noted that a licensee would still have knowledge of both sides, even if the agency relationship was severed. Mr. Hoppe said that, if the agency relationship was severed, the only duty that would carry on was confidentiality, plus to turn over documents. Commissioner Moline said the Commission needed solutions. Commissioner Wiebusch asked why the Commission should not do it this way. Director Tyrrell said that, during discussion, he was seeing more problems with acting as a dual agent, whether there was a signed dual agency agreement or not. Director Tyrrell was seeing more ramifications, and thought the Commission might be better off addressing the issue under agency law if a complaint arose, if the attorneys agreed. Commissioner Moline asked how it would be dealt with under agency law. Director Tyrrell said that if harm took place and a complaint was filed, the Commission could address it under agency law. Mr. Hoppe noted there was also a requirement that licensees practice reasonable skill. Counsel Widger said licensees were required to act in good faith, and if there was no agency agreement, it would be a breach of confidentiality. Commissioner Moline confirmed that the Commission could address the issue without the new rule. Counsel Widger said yes. Commissioner Moline said the rule would just be a red flag to tell licensees not to do it. Commissioner Moline suggested that the Commission take out the new section and address it some other way, so that agents understood they could not do that. Commissioner Moline said that, any way it was done, it was a problem under agency law. A motion was made by Moline and seconded by Wiebusch to remove new section 003.27 from the proposed changes, and to refer the issue to staff in consultation with the Nebraska Realtors7 Association to develop language to address the issue. Motion carried with Johnson, Moline, Shepard, Wiebusch, and Nigro voting aye, and with Gale not participating or voting, being absent and excused. Counsel Widger noted that new section 003.28 would be renumbered to 003.27, with the deletion of the original proposed 003.27. Counsel Widger noted that the section was proposed by the Gale/Moline/Tyrrell subcommittee to address affiliated licensees appointed to supervise, based on the Commission=s discussion of 003.21 and 003.22. Commissioner Moline asked if this section originated from the Nebraska Realtors7 Association. Counsel Widger said yes. Commissioner Moline said he was OK with it either way, and confirmed that the Nebraska Realtors7 Association wanted the section added. Mr. Avery said yes, and noted that the law did not define Aemploying broker.@ Counsel Widger noted that it was not defined in regulation or statute because it was a term developed in the industry. If the provisions from LB 215 passed, the term would include sole proprietors. Mr. Hoppe asked if licensees were currently affiliated with their branch. Director Tyrrell said no, that all licensees were affiliated with the employing broker, regardless of the branch. Director Tyrrell noted that there was a provision which specified that Aemploying broker@ did not construe an employer-employee relationship, and did not prohibit independent contractor status. Mr. Hoppe asserted that was for tax purposes. Counsel Widger said the statute changes in LB 215 would eliminate the term Aemploying broker.@ Director Tyrrell said that the Commission could leave out Aor employing,@ but the section would not apply to sole proprietors until LB 215's provisions were passed by the Legislature. Commissioner Moline noted that sole proprietors could have licensees working for them. Director Tyrrell said yes. Commissioner Moline proposed that the Commission define employing broker in rule. Counsel Widger said it did not need to be defined, because case law provided that a term used in the industry with its normal interpretation was OK. Because of the way the statute currently read, the Commission could use the term Aemploying broker,@ or could just remove it. Commissioner Moline noted that this provision was intended to make branch managers responsible, and asked if sole proprietors could have branches. Director Tyrrell said they could. Commissioner Moline asked why the Commission should not define employing broker. Counsel Widger said the Commission could define it however the Commission wanted to define it. Mr. Avery said the Commission could work on that, but in the past, imperfect language had come back as unworkable. That was why the Nebraska Realtors7 Association had asked for a definition, and would feel more comfortable striking the term. A motion was made by Moline and seconded by Wiebusch to strike Aor employing@ throughout the new section. Director Tyrrell noted that sections 003.21 and 003.22 also contained the term, and striking the term from those sections would eliminate the requirements that sole proprietors return items to the Commission in a timely manner and supervise their affiliated licensees. Commissioner Moline noted that defining the term could lead to language problems similar to those encountered in the advertising section. The motion and the second were withdrawn. A motion was made by Moline and seconded by Johnson to renumber section 003.28 to 003.27, and approve the provisions as presented. Motion carried with Johnson, Moline, Shepard, Wiebusch, and Nigro voting aye, and with Gale not participating or voting, being absent and excused. Counsel Widger noted the last paragraph, which was developed to prohibit a licensee from altering documents without the written approval of the client. The Gale/Moline/Tyrrell subcommittee decided against recommending the language. Commissioner Moline noted that the provision would bind the hands of licensees regarding clients who were traveling or out of state. If a complaint was filed, it could be addressed under other areas of the License Law. It was the consensus of the Commission to leave out the provision. Chapter 7 Counsel Widger noted that new section 002.04C was proposed by the Gale/Tyrrell subcommittee to address education taken outside the state, based on the Commission=s discussion of 002.04. Mr. Hoppe asked if there should be a caveat that the activity be identified as unacceptable before the class was held. Counsel Widger said the language was broad enough as written. In the Commission=s discussion, it was affirmed that activities provided in other jurisdictions would be approved for Nebraska continuing education credit unless otherwise identified. Attendee feedback could be used to prohibit credit for future courses. Mr. Hoppe said the issue was from now on. The Association=s concern was that licensees would take continuing education in other states, report on a poor quality activity, and not get credit for it after the fact. Counsel Widger said that was not what the language said. The provision meant that activities offered in other states were considered approvable unless otherwise identified or disapproved by the Commission. The activity would be posted on the website as unapprovable. Commissioner Moline noted that an activity rejection would also be in the Minutes. Counsel Widger noted that the language was developed to accommodate what the Association wanted. A motion was made by Moline and seconded by Wiebusch to approve the language as presented. Motion carried with Johnson, Moline, Shepard, Wiebusch, and Nigro voting aye, and with Gale not participating or voting, being absent and excused. Counsel Widger noted that new section 004 was proposed by the Gale/Moline/Tyrrell subcommittee to put into rule that all continuing education applications must be approved or denied in a timely manner, based on the Commission=s discussion. Acting Chairperson Nigro clarified that was how it was currently done. Deputy Director Hoffman said yes. A motion was made by Moline and seconded by Johnson to approve the language as presented. Motion carried with Johnson, Moline, Shepard, Wiebusch, and Nigro voting aye, and with Gale not participating or voting, being absent and excused. Counsel Widger noted that section 006 contained new revisions from staff to clarify the language. A motion was made by Wiebusch and seconded by Shepard to approve the language as presented. Motion carried with Johnson, Moline, Shepard, Wiebusch, and Nigro voting aye, and with Gale not participating or voting, being absent and excused. Acting Chairperson Nigro noted that the Exhibits included a fax from Craig Larabee at Larabee School of Real Estate, and opened the floor for discussion. Commissioner Wiebusch noted that the Commission had just gotten the fax at the Meeting. Mr. Larabee brought out some concerns regarding the handling of real estate issues. Commissioner Wiebusch was not sure if Mr. Larabee was having a problem with the Association, but thought he had a point that it might be appropriate to have providers on the committee addressing education issues. Commissioner Wiebusch was not sure if that had already been done. Commissioner Wiebusch agreed with Mr. Larabee that this was a busy time for providers, and that the Commission=s discussions were being held during their busiest time. Commissioner Wiebusch said she appreciated Susan Geschwender and Harding Collis being in attendance. She felt Mr. Larabee may have a point about having providers be part of the discussion. Ms. Geschwender noted that the changes proposed earlier in the discussions were more drastic than the ones approved at today=s Meeting. Ms. Geschwender felt the Commission seemed to put a lot of importance on what the Nebraska Realtors7 Association had to say, which was the industry association group. Ms. Geschwender noted that there were lots of non-members out there, and lots of providers who do far more continuing education than the Association. Ms. Geschwender noted that the Nebraska Realtors7 Association did not necessarily speak for everyone, and she did not know whether what they proposed was always in the best interest of providers. Ms. Geschwender thought that might be Mr. Larabee=s issue. Commissioner Wiebusch asked if that was what Ms. Geschwender thought also. Ms. Geschwender said yes. Commissioner Wiebusch asked if Mr. Collis agreed. Mr. Collis said that he saw the proposed changes as they came through the Association, and noted that the discussion had been going on at Commission Meetings since May. Mr. Collis noted that he and Ms. Geschwender had adjusted their schedules to be in attendance. Acting Chairperson Nigro said she wished the Commission had gotten Mr. Larabee=s letter two months ago. Commissioner Moline noted that the discussion had been going on since May, that other providers made the effort to attend, and that the Nebraska Realtors7 Association was an education provider. Commissioner Moline also noted that the discussions had been addressed in the Minutes. Ms. Geschwender said she watched the Minutes closely, but had not seen what all was going on and what changes were proposed. Deputy Director Hoffman said she had encouraged providers to watch the Minutes and come to Meetings. Deputy Director Hoffman also noted that the Minutes available on the website and sent to subscribers were usually at least a month behind, because they were not published until they were approved by the Commission at the following Meeting. She felt that delay could contribute to the perception. Commissioner Moline noted that Mr. Larabee was a member of the Nebraska Realtors7 Association, and that the proposed changes had been in the Association=s newsletter. Commissioner Moline said this was a public meeting, and interested parties needed to show up. Commissioner Moline quoted Scott Moore, the former Chairperson, that the work was done by those who showed up. Director Tyrrell noted that if an item was on the Agenda, which was also posted on the website, staff had the Exhibits available to the public in some form and would provide them to anyone who asked. Director Tyrrell said that staff could send drafts of future education matters to local providers, if the Commission so desired. Anyone who wanted to speak on the changes still had the opportunity to come to the Public Hearing. Acting Chairperson Nigro noted there was nothing to prohibit providers from making proposals in the future. Commissioner Moline asked about other interested groups. Director Tyrrell said that, in the past, staff had found populations interested in certain items. Commissioner Moline asked that staff write to Mr. Larabee and let him know about the Public Hearing. A motion was made by Moline and seconded by Wiebusch that the Exhibit be considered as a draft for publication purposes as amended at the Meeting, and be set for Public Hearing. Commissioner Johnson asked the Commission to revisit Chapter 3, section 006. Commissioner Johnson said he was asked to bring up possibly changing the 48-hour requirement for depositing earnest money. Commissioner Johnson noted that he did not know the history of the requirement or how critical it was. Counsel Widger said the law required timely deposit of earnest money after the offer was accepted, not when it came in. The 48-hour requirement was intended to allow for weekends, and was a Commission policy issue. Counsel Widger did not know if there had ever been a complaint filed if that was the only violation, because it was usually discovered and handled during the trust account examination. Acting Chairperson Nigro asked Deputy Director Mayrose if it was an issue. Deputy Director Mayrose said he did not think so. Commissioner Moline said he knew of instances where someone forgot to get an earnest money check out of their purse or whatever, and it was handled during the examination exit interview. Commissioner Moline said he would second a motion to change the requirement to 72 hours. Commissioner Johnson said licensees may have the same problems with 72 hours, and did not know if it needed to be changed. Director Tyrrell said he had a call recently on a mailed check from another state which took 2-3 days to get to the broker. He told them to date stamp it in when it was received, and save the envelope for the postmark. Director Tyrrell noted that licensees could not deposit the money until they knew the offer was accepted. Director Tyrrell also noted that the Commission would have to change the 48-hour requirement in another section as well. Commissioner Johnson offered an amendment to the pending motion to change the requirement in Chapters 3 and 5 to 72 hours. Commissioner Moline and Commissioner Wiebusch accepted it as a friendly amendment. Commissioner Moline said he encouraged the Commission to make the change. Commissioner Moline said that licensees do not miss the deadline very often, and then not by much. The change would not eliminate the problem, and the Commission still needed it in rule, but this change would take care of the almost-got-there situations. Mr. Hoppe asserted that the provision would not apply to mail-ins. Director Tyrrell noted that was exactly the example he gave. When a Florida broker got earnest money and accepted the offer, the money would not get to the Nebraska broker until several days later. Commissioner Shepard asked Deputy Director Mayrose to comment. Deputy Director Mayrose said that, in his opinion, licensees would have the same problems either way. The same deficiency report would be written. Acting Chairperson Nigro said that 72 hours was still timely, and reminded the Commission that the requirement would apply to all acceptances and drafts. A vote was taken on the pending motion as amended. Motion carried with Johnson, Moline, Shepard, Wiebusch, and Nigro voting aye, and with Gale not participating or voting, being absent and excused. Consider Guidelines for Continuing Education Activities Counsel Widger presented an Exhibit which included proposed Guidelines for Continuing Education Activities. A copy of said Exhibit is attached to and made a part of these Minutes. Al Avery and Fred Hoppe participated in the discussion as representatives of the Nebraska Realtors7 Association. Acting Chairperson Nigro said she needed clarification of Exhibits 14a and 14b, because they were very confusing. Counsel Widger noted that Exhibit 14a was a clean copy of the proposed guideline. Exhibit 14b showed the Nebraska Realtors7 Association=s original language, which was originally proposed as Chapter 7, 002.01G, and how the language had been reworded, moved, or deleted. Counsel Widger noted that staff had added a lot of subject matter to the original proposal. Commissioner Wiebusch asked how it would be handled if a new course was not on the list. Counsel Widger said it would be handled the same way it was now. Deputy Director Hoffman would review and approve the activity, contingent upon Commission approval. The process had not changed at all with the list, it was just a guideline for approvable subject matter. Deputy Director Hoffman said it was her impression that there could be a change in timeliness. If an activity clearly fell into one of the subject matter categories on the list, Deputy Director Hoffman could approve the course with no problem, and the provider could offer it. If it did not, Deputy Director Hoffman would not be able to approve the course or allow it to be offered until after the next Commission Meeting, after the Commission approved adding the subject matter to the list. Deputy Director Hoffman said there could potentially be a delay if the subject matter was not on the list. Director Tyrrell countered that this was the same process as before. Only questions about approvable subject matter would be brought to the Commission. Deputy Director Hoffman clarified her statements by using an example of the first computer course. Commissioner Moline said the guidelines did not seem very limiting when reading the introductory paragraph. Director Tyrrell said that, the way it was currently presented, he thought staff could adjudge whether a course fit in as approvable subject matter, and felt that the process would work the same way. Commissioner Moline said he did not want to limit staff=s ability to judge and approve activities, and if something in there was limiting, he wanted to change it. Director Tyrrell clarified that if the policy had been put in rule, it could not be changed without a rule hearing. Since this was a guideline, the Commission could change it with an Agenda Item. Commissioner Moline noted that could happen any time the Commission wanted to change it. Acting Chairperson Nigro noted that most items were included and retitled in the proposed guidelines. Counsel Widger agreed. A couple of subject areas were left out, at Commission direction. Commissioner Moline noted that was done as the Commission decided at the last Meeting. Commissioner Johnson said he thought the National Association of Realtors7 item was the only one not on the list. Commissioner Moline noted that did not mean staff could not approve a course offered by them, just that the Commission was not approving their courses carte blanche. Mr. Hoppe said the Nebraska Realtors7 Association=s intent was to provide a safe harbor list. If the subject matter was on the list, the activity was approvable. Mr. Hoppe asserted that which was stricken in #5 and #6 was not equal to what was proposed, and that the subject matter was broader than that currently proposed. Commissioner Johnson said he might agree with Mr. Hoppe on #6, but not on #5. Counsel Widger noted that #5 was listed separately. Discussion ensued on the Exhibits. Mr. Avery asked if it would be possible to reference the list in regulation. Counsel Widger said that would defeat the Commission=s purpose. In her opinion, to reference a list in regulation, there must be a static reference to a certain year and issue date of the list. If a list was referenced in regulation, it became regulation, which was not easy to change. Deputy Director Hoffman said she could include the guidelines in continuing education application packets, if the Association=s concern was that providers know what to aim for. Director Tyrrell noted that the guidelines would also go in the policies and procedures section of the License Law Manual, which was distributed to all applicants and licensees; would be sent in continuing education application packets; and would also be posted on the website in the policies and procedures section. Acting Chairperson Nigro asked if that would be OK with the Association. Mr. Avery said yes. Commissioner Moline asked if staff was now OK with the list. Deputy Director Hoffman said her original fear had been that all subject matter currently approved would not be included on the list, but that the list now incorporated all activities currently being offered, and was all-inclusive at this point. A motion was made by Wiebusch and seconded by Moline that Exhibit 14a be adopted as Commission policy as presented. Motion carried with Johnson, Moline, Shepard, Wiebusch, and Nigro voting aye, and with Gale not participating or voting, being absent and excused. Consider Revisions to ABrokerage Relationships in Real Estate Transactions@ Brochure Counsel Widger presented an Exhibit which included proposed revisions to the ABrokerage Relationships in Real Estate Transactions@ brochure. A copy of said Exhibit is attached to and made a part of these Minutes. Counsel Widger noted that the changes were proposed by the Nebraska Realtors7 Association, and that the intent appeared to be to have two separate brochures, instead of the one brochure which currently addressed agency. Staff prepared the Exhibit, which showed the Association=s proposed changes in legislative style, and also included minor staff changes. Acting Chairperson Nigro said she did not work with tenants and landlords, and questioned the need for the change. Counsel Widger said she did not know if there was a need to break it into two brochures. Mr. Avery said the Association=s reason was that there was confusion on the part of the public regarding the buyer/tenant and seller/landlord language. Mr. Avery said there were just a few licensees doing landlord/tenant work, and this would allow them to have their own form to eliminate confusion. Commissioner Wiebusch noted that her office did both, and used the same form. Their office had underlined landlord/tenant and printed those in a different color. Commissioner Wiebusch did not see the need for this change, because they had absolutely no problem with it. Commissioner Moline said that Woods Brothers had also done that on their own, and did not see a need for the change. Acting Chairperson Nigro said there would be a cost factor to the Commission, for translations and printing. Commissioner Moline noted that, if the Commission changed anything on the brochure, they would have that expense anyway, and felt it was not lot of cost. Commissioner Wiebusch noted that it would be the cost of two separate brochures. Commissioner Moline asked how the Commission had picked Spanish and Vietnamese for translation. Director Tyrrell said that, when the agency law was passed, the Commission decided on them. At the time, Spanish was used throughout the state, and Vietnamese was used in certain regions. Commissioner Johnson said he did not have a strong preference either way, but felt it was less confusing to the majority of people to split it into two brochures. He agreed with Commissioner Moline that it would not be a great expense. Commissioner Moline said that if it was easier for the public, he was more in favor of the change. Commissioner Wiebusch noted that they had underlined specific paragraphs, not individual words, in their brochures. Acting Chairperson Nigro clarified that it would create a separate brochure for buyers and sellers. Commissioner Shepard said people he worked with had not had a problem with confusion, but it could be possible. It made no difference to him whether the brochure was split. Commissioner Moline asked if changes had to go to the Legislature. Counsel Widger noted that the Commission was requested to approve a form, so it would not have to go back to the Legislature. Mr. Hoppe asked if the Commission could approve three versions. Counsel Widger said it could, and the Commission could just have the interpreter translate all three. Commissioner Moline said that, if most of the brochure was the same, it would not be as expensive to translate. Director Tyrrell said he thought it would work that way, but he did not know for sure. Mr. Hoppe said that the difference between the forms was only 2-3 words. Director Tyrrell said he did not know Spanish or Vietnamese, and he did not know what it would cost. Currently, licensees had to use an approved form, and the Commission currently had an 82 x 14 format and a brochure format. Director Tyrrell noted that the Association or the Omaha Area Board of Realtors had requested the 82 x 14 format. Commissioner Moline asked if the 82 x 14 format was widely used. Director Tyrrell said no. A motion was made by Moline and seconded by Johnson to approve three forms, which would consist of the buyer/seller version, the landlord/tenant version, and the combined version in pamphlet format only, and to drop the 82 x 14 format. Motion carried with Johnson, Moline, Shepard, and Wiebusch voting aye, with Nigro abstaining, and with Gale not participating or voting, being absent and excused. Counsel Widger noted that staff concerns regarding the language changes were noted on a separate page, and reviewed them. Mr. Hoppe asked if adding representation checkmarks for the licensee to complete would solve the problem. Counsel Widger said no, because the proposed language did not include all of the statutory requirements. Commissioner Moline asked if the corrections noted in the Acknowledgement Page section of the staff comments, items 2-5, were acceptable to the Association. Mr. Avery said yes. Commissioner Moline referenced item 1 under the Acknowledgement Page section, and asked if the Association=s reason for the changes was to make it more clear. Mr. Avery said that was the intent. Commissioner Moline said that was a good goal, because the public did not understand the form. Commissioner Moline asked if there was middle ground to be reached. Counsel Widger said there was. Licensees just had to disclose agency relationships and identify who they were representing. That language had to be added based on statute. Commissioner Moline said the Association did not get all the boxes they needed onto the form, and it required some wordsmithing. Director Tyrrell said that staff could work on it and bring it back to the Commission. Commissioner Moline noted that the wording did not tell the buyer that the licensee was the buyer=s agent. Commissioner Wiebusch noted that it just said Aoffering to provide,@ not that the licensee was providing. Commissioner Wiebusch did not know whether the public knew that meant the licensee was representing them. Mr. Hoppe asked if that was noted under buyer agency on the form. Director Tyrrell said it was under AGeneral Information.@ Commissioner Wiebusch noted that she was just trying to clarify the form, not create more confusion. Commissioner Wiebusch asked about the possibility of dual agency, and whether agents were required to provide the brochure in addition to completing a dual agency agreement. Commissioner Moline said the word Apossibility@ was to prevent having to get a second agency brochure. Commissioner Shepard asked if licensees could check two boxes, and Commissioner Moline said yes. Director Tyrrell noted that staff did not think a second brochure was required at the time dual agency occurred, even if dual agency was not checked on the initial agency acknowledgment. When dual agency occurred, licensees had to get a written consent to dual agency. Director Tyrrell noted that some brokers required their licensees to obtain a new brochure, but that was not a Commission requirement. Commissioner Wiebusch noted that licensees could have all the boxes checked on one document. Director Tyrrell said not with the new split brochures, but they could have if they denoted that they were working as a seller=s agent for selling the principal=s old house, and as a buyer=s agent for buying the principal=s new house. Commissioner Shepard asked for confirmation that licensees could check two boxes. Commissioner Moline said yes, it was done in Lincoln. Mr. Hoppe said it would happen if the licensee was offering to act as an agent. Commissioner Moline suggested that the Commission go through the rest of the staff changes, and have staff bring back the final forms. Counsel Widger reviewed the additional suggested changes on the Exhibit. Mr. Hoppe said his only problem with the staff changes was leaving in the customer language. He believed the customer was the one not represented by a licensee in the transaction. If one agent represented the seller and another represented the buyer, Mr. Hoppe maintained there was no customer. Mr. Hoppe asserted a principal was only a customer if not represented by a licensee. Counsel Widger said staff would work on the language. Commissioner Moline asked if everyone was OK with the other changes. It was the consensus of the Commission that the other staff changes were acceptable. Consider Revisions to Title 302 Fred Hoppe of the Nebraska Realtors7 Association said their legislative-style proposed changes to Title 302 were not yet completed, and that the Association would bring the changes to the Commission when the Exhibit was ready. Director Tyrrell said he would put it on the next Agenda. Consider Revisions to AUse of Unlicensed Persons by Licensees@ Policy Counsel Widger presented an Exhibit which included current Nebraska policy and excerpts of policies from other jurisdictions regarding allowable and prohibited uses of unlicensed persons by licensees. A copy of said Exhibit is attached to and made a part of these Minutes. Counsel Widger noted that comments from the Nebraska Realtors7 Association were included in the Exhibit. Director Tyrrell noted that items 5 and 11 on page 2 could create situations where unlicensed persons answered questions on property. Acting Chairperson Nigro asked about item 8. Director Tyrrell said he did not know what the MLS regulations were. Commissioner Moline said that the Lincoln Board allowed unlicensed people to have a key and code for picking up lockboxes and letting in authorized people like plumbers and inspectors. Director Tyrrell said it did not look like an MLS enforcement problem. Marilyn Johnson of CBSHOME Real Estate said it should not be a problem. Commissioner Moline asked if staff was looking to incorporate the entire list, except a couple of items. Director Tyrrell said no, that staff had only provided a list of things allowed in other jurisdictions, as the Commission had requested. Director Tyrrell had researched the subject with the 25 jurisdictions who responded to his information request. Director Tyrrell said he did not necessarily recommend adding the items, the information was merely provided to the Commission for their decision. Director Tyrrell did not want the Commission to cause problems for other entities, like the MLS. The Commission needed to decide which items to include, if any. Commissioner Moline suggested changing item 16 to allow measurements if verified by the licensee. Commissioner Johnson asked for confirmation that the items were actually allowed in other jurisdictions. Director Tyrrell said yes, and noted that it may just be one other jurisdiction. Director Tyrrell noted that item 7, which allowed unlicensed people to take pictures of properties, might not be needed on the list of allowed activities. Director Tyrrell noted that an activity was not automatically prohibited just because it was not on the list of allowed activities. Director Tyrrell noted that taking pictures was not a licensed activity. Director Tyrrell said he was not familiar with MLS rules. Commissioner Moline agreed that some items went without saying, and noted that licensees sent unlicensed people to move signs all the time. Director Tyrrell said that providing a more lengthy list of allowed activities might lead to the perception that if an activity was not listed as allowed, then it was not allowed. Director Tyrrell preferred to only address prohibitions in the law. Commissioner Wiebusch asked what item 2, regarding handouts, included. Director Tyrrell said it would include a receptionist handing out a listing sheet in the office. Counsel Widger noted that staff recommended that item 6 on page 3 be added if item 11 on page 2 was not added. Commissioner Moline asked if the Association=s supported items were currently just common sense. Mr. Avery said there was a previous list of allowed activities, and the Association wanted to expand the list to address exactly those things done as a normal course of business. Commissioner Moline said he did not see how taking pictures was licensed activity, and asked why the Commission should clutter the list. Mr. Avery noted that item 11, which referred to chauffeuring, was not a licensed activity when the property was shown by a licensee. The Association wanted to have a task list to prevent confusion. Commissioner Wiebusch agreed that chauffeuring was not licensed activity, but noted that it could lead to discussion of the property, market, etc. Mr. Avery said the example used in Association discussions was if licensees= poor eyesight prevented them from driving clients around themselves. Director Tyrrell said there was no way the Commission would file complaints against licensees with sight problems who had someone driving them and their clients. Acting Chairperson Nigro said this would apply if a licensee had an assistant drive clients to houses to meet the licensee there. Mr. Avery clarified it was if the assistant was not accompanied by the licensee. Director Tyrrell said he did not think it needed to be added, because if the licensee was in the car, nothing would prevent an unlicensed person from driving someone now. A motion was made by Moline and seconded by Wiebusch regarding the list of allowable activity: to substitute item 14 on page 2 for item 16 on page 1; to add item 13 on page 2 to the list on page 1, and add the proviso that it was other than as prohibited by item 1 on page 3; and to include item 1 on page 2 with item 12 on page 1. Commissioner Moline said he wanted it noted in the Minutes that the list of allowable activity did not preclude unlicensed individuals from doing common-sense things. The items on the list specifically addressed licensed activity, not all permissible activity. Commissioner Johnson asked if item 3 on page 2, regarding scheduling inspections and appraisals, was already included on page 1. Commissioner Moline suggested it was covered by item 13. Commissioner Wiebusch said it could be added to item 15. Commissioner Johnson said it could be added to either 13 or 15. Director Tyrrell noted that the Commission might not need to add it, since the unlicensed person would not be dealing with the public. Mr. Hoppe suggested striking Afor licensee to show listed property@ from item 15 on page 1. Commissioner Johnson offered a friendly amendment to strike the language, which was accepted by Commissioners Moline and Wiebusch. A vote was taken on the pending motion as amended. Motion carried with Johnson, Moline, Shepard, Wiebusch, and Nigro voting aye, and with Gale not participating or voting, being absent and excused. Commissioner Moline noted that staff wanted the Commission to add item 6 from list of activities prohibited in other jurisdictions to the Commission policy regarding prohibited activities. Commissioner Wiebusch suggested that the Commission not change the list. It was the consensus of the Commission to not change the list of prohibited activity. A motion was made by Wiebusch and seconded by Moline to adopt the policy as amended. Motion carried with Johnson, Moline, Shepard, Wiebusch, and Nigro voting aye, and with Gale not participating or voting, being absent and excused. Consider Objectives for 2001-2002 Director Tyrrell presented an Exhibit which included objectives for the 2001-2002 Commission. A copy of said Exhibit is attached to and made a part of these Minutes. Director Tyrrell noted that most objectives pertained to rule and regulation changes and proposed legislation, plus enhancing the website. The next real website change would occur after the first of the year, when staff added salesperson and broker applications, with a link to the Williams Underwriting Group (WUG) website to allow licensees to complete insurance forms and pay by credit card on their website. Commissioner Moline asked if insurance was available from WUG in both the broker=s name and the business name. Director Tyrrell said it was his understanding that type of insurance was available. Commissioner Moline asked how staff handled it when the public called and wanted a list of licensees, and said he had received a complaint that the information was not available on disk. Commissioner Moline thought it would be much easier to provide on disk, not on paper. Ms. Burklund said that option may be available eventually through the licensure software. Ms. Burklund noted that rosters were out of date the day after they were printed, whether on disk or on paper, due to transfers and new licensees. Ms. Burklund encouraged people to buy mailing labels instead, as close to the date of the mailing as possible, so that the most up-to-date information was used to avoid returned mail. Commissioner Moline said that staff had done a great job so far, and would be very busy next year to get all the changes made. Director Tyrrell agreed, and said he would add the insurance and licensure software items per discussion. After discussion, a motion was made by Johnson and seconded by Shepard that the objectives be adopted as amended. Motion carried with Johnson, Moline, Shepard, Wiebusch, and Nigro voting aye, and with Gale not participating or voting, being absent and excused. Approval of Travel Expenditures to ARELLO Special Meeting - Scottsdale, AZ, on January 10-14, 2002 Director Tyrrell presented an Exhibit which specified per-attendee expenses for the ARELLO Special Meeting. A copy of said Exhibit is attached to and made a part of these Minutes. Director Tyrrell noted that the only person he knew would be going was Deputy Director Hoffman. He indicated there could be more, depending on whether meetings were scheduled for the various committees, training boards, and councils. Director Tyrrell asked the Commission=s approval for any staff or Commissioners who needed to attend. After discussion, a motion was made by Moline and seconded by Wiebusch to approve the expenditures as presented for Commission and staff attendees. Motion carried with Johnson, Moline, Shepard, Wiebusch, and Nigro voting aye, and with Gale not participating or voting, being absent and excused. Legislative Matters Proposed Legislative Bill - Removal of Errors and Omissions Insurance Premium Limit and Amendment to Exception in Seller Property Condition Disclosure Law Director Tyrrell presented an Exhibit which consisted of a proposed legislative bill. A copy of said Exhibit is attached to and made a part of these Minutes. Director Tyrrell noted that the language was drafted in consultation with the Revisor=s Office. The changes involved the Seller Property Condition Disclosure exemption change, and eliminating the statutory cap for the Errors and Omissions insurance premium. Director Tyrrell asked if the Commission had a preference for which senators to approach for bill sponsorship. The Commission had no suggestions. It was the consensus of the Commission to have the bill introduced during the 2002 Legislative Session. Commissioner Moline asked if other rule changes proposed by the Nebraska Realtors7 Association were included in the bill. Director Tyrrell noted that their changes were not included in this draft, and that he did not know whether their proposals would require a change in the law. It was possible that their proposed changes could be done via rule and regulation, as long as they were not contrary to the law. If the Association proposed something contrary to the law, the Commission could not make the change until the law was changed. Director Tyrrell noted that the Commission would still have time to have the Revisor put in additional changes if the Association presented their proposed rule changes at the next Meeting, and the Association could request amendments in committee. Other Proposals Acting Chairperson Nigro asked if there were other proposals to discuss. Director Tyrrell said there were no additional staff proposals. Perre Neilan, representing the Nebraska Realtors7 Association, said the Association had nothing to present at this time. Information Matters Service Satisfaction Survey - September Results Director Tyrrell presented an Exhibit regarding the September Service Satisfaction Survey. A copy of said Exhibit is attached to and made a part of these Minutes. Surveys were included in approximately every fourth piece of mail during September, excluding renewals. 80 were mailed, and 11 were returned. All comments received were very positive. Acting Chairperson Nigro asked about the intent of the final comments. Director Tyrrell said his interpretation was that Commission staff were not as bureaucratic as the staff at some regulatory agencies. Acting Chairperson Nigro agreed. Director Tyrrell said that he got a lot of comments like that over the phone, comparing our staff favorably with other state agencies and other Real Estate Commissions. No action was necessary on this Report. ARELLO Annual Meeting - Report of Attendees Director Tyrrell noted that Deputy Director Hoffman was elected President-Elect of ARELLO, and would take over as President next year. Acting Chairperson Nigro was unopposed in her bid for re-election to the Board of Directors. The Commission=s website won second place in the communications division. There were some very good sessions. Director Tyrrell reviewed committee appointments made at the meeting. Commissioner Wiebusch said that the law committee session was very interesting. She got a compilation of articles on real estate laws, and one on the latest court decisions. Commissioner Wiebusch reported that the new member orientation committee was still struggling. Director Tyrrell noted that he and Robert Fawcett had reworked the orientation script, and they were researching the costs for putting it on CD. Commissioner Wiebusch said there was also an interesting session on how to be successful in getting legislation passed. She was supposed to be in a skit on reciprocity, but the discussion went too long. Commissioner Johnson noted that the session on how to get legislation passed gave a comprehensive plan, which included contacting all legislators in advance by mail, then by phone, then with a personal visit. Obviously the plan worked, but it took a lot of time and effort to do it. There was an interesting session on consolidation and fee-for-services. The presenter used the analogy of how everybody hates Wal-Mart for driving out the mom-and-pop shops, but everybody goes there because they can return stuff and get their money back. Commissioner Johnson thought it did not particularly apply to Nebraska. There was a seminar that talked about how brokerage did not make that much money, and needed to incorporate mortgage companies and title companies to make it. There will likely be more consolidation in the future. Commissioner Johnson said it was always good to hear about things going on in other jurisdictions. Acting Chairperson Nigro reported that the Fair Housing Training Board spent its entire time on policy and procedures. She attended a great presentation on making ethical decisions. Deputy Director Hoffman noted that the ARELLO/National Association of Realtors website was up, and would continue to be developed. The International Distance Education Council was formed to include other professions and other providers. The Appraisal Qualifications Board had signed up with the ARELLO Distance Education Certification Program, which strengthened the program even further. The sessions were good, and there were attendees from several other countries who showed great enthusiasm for ARELLO. No action was necessary on this Report. Future Meeting Dates
Recesses and Adjournment At 10:18 a.m. on November 15, Acting Chairperson Nigro declared a brief recess, and reconvened the Meeting at 10:32 a.m. At 11:46 a.m. on November 15, Acting Chairperson Nigro declared a recess for lunch. At 1:23 p.m. on November 15, Acting Chairperson Nigro reconvened the Meeting. At 3:07 p.m. on November 15, Acting Chairperson Nigro declared a brief recess, and reconvened the Meeting at 3:22 p.m. At 4:06 p.m. on November 15, there being no further business to come before the Commission, a motion was made by Wiebusch and seconded by Moline that the Meeting adjourn. Motion carried with Johnson, Moline, Shepard, Wiebusch, and Nigro voting aye, and with Gale not participating or voting, being absent and excused. I, Les Tyrrell, Director of the Nebraska Real Estate Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoing Minutes of the November 15, 2001, Meeting of the Nebraska Real Estate Commission were available for inspection on December 3, 2001, in compliance with Section 84-1413(5) R.R.S. 1943, of Nebraska. Respectfully submitted, Guests Signing the Guest List Morris Reynolds, Business Brokers Corp., Lincoln |